October 6th 2018
In The cupboard at UNI
Procion Printing for screen prints blue sticker and yellow for dyeing
Mixing recipe
3g dye to 100g paste
0.5g for pale shade
Always mix in fume cabinet add dye to pot then add just enough boiling water to dissolve the dye
Add Procion print paste and mix together thoroughly. (paste is fixatives with Manitex i.e. seaweed)
Taping Screens
Tape down fabric starting at the top all the way along.
Apply tape to the middle of the bottom edge then re-lift and pull down to firm and smooth out the fabric. Stick down and add more tape at either side. Repeat and the sides. Making sure fabric is sufficiently stretched out.
Apply brown tape to frame of screen on the inside and outside creating a well to hold the dye before pulling down the screen with a squeegee.
Once the screen has been printed dry off with hairdryer or let air dry this is then wrapped in the steamer cloth ready for steaming for 20 mins.